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Images of America: Nodaway County
A treasury of historical photographs of the county with extensive explanations. By Michael Steiner. 127 pages. Published 2008.
A treasury of historical photographs of the county with extensive explanations. By Michael Steiner. 127 pages. Published 2008.

Images of America: Maryville
A treasury of historical photographs of Maryville with extensive explanations. By Michael Steiner and Brent Trout. 127 pages. Published 2013.
A treasury of historical photographs of Maryville with extensive explanations. By Michael Steiner and Brent Trout. 127 pages. Published 2013.

Tales of Nodaway County: Area History 1837-1977
Compiled by Nodaway County Historical Society. A book of representative stories and unusual tales. Extensive photographs. Hard bound. 256 pages; 20p index Published 1977.
Compiled by Nodaway County Historical Society. A book of representative stories and unusual tales. Extensive photographs. Hard bound. 256 pages; 20p index Published 1977.

Maryville Historical Landmarks
Contains 37 illustrated pages of Maryville landmarks. Compiled by Curtis Bagby Published 1990.
Contains 37 illustrated pages of Maryville landmarks. Compiled by Curtis Bagby Published 1990.

Farming in Nodaway County, 1845-1996
Created by the Nodaway County Heritage Collection, Inc. This is a "who’s who" of Nodaway County farmers and farm families. 118 pages.
Created by the Nodaway County Heritage Collection, Inc. This is a "who’s who" of Nodaway County farmers and farm families. 118 pages.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
A detailed account of African American history in Nodaway County. By Martha Cooper. 338 pages with images and illustrations. Published 1986.
A detailed account of African American history in Nodaway County. By Martha Cooper. 338 pages with images and illustrations. Published 1986.

Hickory Grove: Secrets of the Old Schoolhouse
The story was written in observance of the 100th anniversary of the (1883). Describes the atmosphere of the time, and heart and soul of the school itself in the latter part of the 19th century. By Neva McDermott Rhodes. 61 pages. Published 1983.
The story was written in observance of the 100th anniversary of the (1883). Describes the atmosphere of the time, and heart and soul of the school itself in the latter part of the 19th century. By Neva McDermott Rhodes. 61 pages. Published 1983.

Suffrage Comes to the Women of Nodaway County
Extensive detail of the efforts in the county leading to the vote for women, including the Missouri Ladies Military Band that led a suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. By Martha Cooper. 96 pages with images and illustrations. Published 1997.
Extensive detail of the efforts in the county leading to the vote for women, including the Missouri Ladies Military Band that led a suffrage parade in Washington, D.C. By Martha Cooper. 96 pages with images and illustrations. Published 1997.

A New History of Nodaway County
Volume 1: Indian Lands to 1859, $19.00, 148 pages.
Volume 2: 1845-1869, $19.00, 160 pages.
By Martha Cooper
Volume 2: 1845-1869, $19.00, 160 pages.
By Martha Cooper

Famous People of Nodaway County
A compilation of information about people and families before 2007 from the county who gained national or international fame in a positive manner, including Smiley Burnett, Homer Croy and Dale Carnegie. By Bob Bohlken. 98 pages. Published 2010.
A compilation of information about people and families before 2007 from the county who gained national or international fame in a positive manner, including Smiley Burnett, Homer Croy and Dale Carnegie. By Bob Bohlken. 98 pages. Published 2010.

The History of Nodaway County Towns
Individual synopses of each town in the county, some no longer in existence. By Bob Bohlken. 59 pages. Published 2008.
Individual synopses of each town in the county, some no longer in existence. By Bob Bohlken. 59 pages. Published 2008.

Clearmont: Life in a Small Town in the 40s & 50s
Siblings explore all aspects of growing up in a small Missouri community, and the people, places and events that made it home. By Barbara Combs Lewellen and J.C. Combs. 97 pages. Illustrated. Published 2014.
Siblings explore all aspects of growing up in a small Missouri community, and the people, places and events that made it home. By Barbara Combs Lewellen and J.C. Combs. 97 pages. Illustrated. Published 2014.

Where in the World is Arkoe, Missouri?
A detailed history of the early years of Arkoe and its settlers. By Susan Cronk. Includes a family names index and illustrations. Published 2014.
A detailed history of the early years of Arkoe and its settlers. By Susan Cronk. Includes a family names index and illustrations. Published 2014.

Blackmail & Murder in a Small Town
The tale of Caleb Guthrie Jesse. The author's grandfather's life was never discussed by the family. This book unravels the mystery of this man from 1874 to his death in 1908. By Linda Willis Benedetti. 92 pages. Published 2010.
The tale of Caleb Guthrie Jesse. The author's grandfather's life was never discussed by the family. This book unravels the mystery of this man from 1874 to his death in 1908. By Linda Willis Benedetti. 92 pages. Published 2010.

A Hundred Miles to the City
Poignant story of the homefront during WWII, bracketed by the author’s childhood during the depression and challenges during the crisis in the farm economy in the 1980s. Her ultimate journey leads her to a small community that embraces her. By Clare Samson. 515 pages. Published 2007.
Poignant story of the homefront during WWII, bracketed by the author’s childhood during the depression and challenges during the crisis in the farm economy in the 1980s. Her ultimate journey leads her to a small community that embraces her. By Clare Samson. 515 pages. Published 2007.

Author Irene Alexander shares some of her favorite memories of growing up in the mid-20th century. 250 pages with photographs. Published 2018.
Author Irene Alexander shares some of her favorite memories of growing up in the mid-20th century. 250 pages with photographs. Published 2018.

All in a Woman’s Day
Two volumes. Published 1992. By Leola Swaney.
Vol. 1 has 410 pages and covers her Maryville Daily Forum columns of “History, folklore, myths, helpful hints and recipes” from 1980-1985.
Vol. 2 in 411 to 792 pages covers December 1985-1990 plus the index.
Two volumes. Published 1992. By Leola Swaney.
Vol. 1 has 410 pages and covers her Maryville Daily Forum columns of “History, folklore, myths, helpful hints and recipes” from 1980-1985.
Vol. 2 in 411 to 792 pages covers December 1985-1990 plus the index.

The Civil War: Missouri and Nodaway County
An introduction to the people and ideas in Nodaway County during the Civil War. Insight into the political and cultural circumstances of the county. By Bob Bohlken. 72 pages.
An introduction to the people and ideas in Nodaway County during the Civil War. Insight into the political and cultural circumstances of the county. By Bob Bohlken. 72 pages.

Rural Midwestern Idioms/Folk Sayings
A lively and entertaining guide to rural midwestern idioms and folk sayings. By Bob Bohlken. 77 pages. Illustrated. Published 2008.
A lively and entertaining guide to rural midwestern idioms and folk sayings. By Bob Bohlken. 77 pages. Illustrated. Published 2008.

What Do Moms Do?
Delightful and colorful animal illustrations help tell the story of the everyday ways moms show their love. By Amy Houts and Emily Bush. Illustrations by Lisa Thiesing. Published 2014.
Delightful and colorful animal illustrations help tell the story of the everyday ways moms show their love. By Amy Houts and Emily Bush. Illustrations by Lisa Thiesing. Published 2014.

Fire Truck #1274 Finds Her Way Home
A delightful story of a fire truck’s journey from the East to the Midwest and eventual return. By Terry Lesher. Illustrated. Published 2016.
A delightful story of a fire truck’s journey from the East to the Midwest and eventual return. By Terry Lesher. Illustrated. Published 2016.

Cooking Around the Country with Kids
A treasury of USA regional recipes and fun activities for kids. By Amy Houts. 270 pages. Published 2010.
A treasury of USA regional recipes and fun activities for kids. By Amy Houts. 270 pages. Published 2010.

Mealtime Magic: Delicious Dinners in Half the Time
Separated into chicken, turkey, beef, pork and seafood categories as well as meatless. Includes 3-day plans for leftovers. By Amy Houts. Spiral bound. 206 pages.
Separated into chicken, turkey, beef, pork and seafood categories as well as meatless. Includes 3-day plans for leftovers. By Amy Houts. Spiral bound. 206 pages.

Apples, Apples Everywhere
Information and recipes from orchard businesses in numerous US states. Includes apple varieties best suited to recipes. By Lee Jackson. Published 1996. 252 pages.
Information and recipes from orchard businesses in numerous US states. Includes apple varieties best suited to recipes. By Lee Jackson. Published 1996. 252 pages.

Healthy to the Core!
All natural low sugar and no sugar apple recipes for kids. This is a collection of recipes for multiple uses of apples with informative healthy food practices. By Lee Jackson. 126 pages. Spiral bound. Published 2013.
All natural low sugar and no sugar apple recipes for kids. This is a collection of recipes for multiple uses of apples with informative healthy food practices. By Lee Jackson. 126 pages. Spiral bound. Published 2013.
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